How Nectar Ditched Videos for Easy-to-Make, Interactive Product Demos Using Arcade

Learn how Nectar found a quick way to build & deliver product tutorials in multiple languages.

Nectar Uses Arcade to:

  • Quickly create clickable product walkthroughs for its clients— apiary workers in remote locations 
  • Share educational materials that could be viewed in under a minute on a smartphone
  • Easily build how-tos in multiple languages: English, French, and Spanish 

Like any tech leader in 2022, Max Cherney faced some challenges in customer communications. The first was a fairly common issue—finding an efficient, and entirely remote, way to train customers on new product features and launches. 

The second was more specific to his role in ag-tech as the COO of Nectar, a “precision beekeeping technology company.” Nectar provides workflow management solutions, logistics tools, and business intelligence specifically for commercial migratory beekeepers, who are often responsible for running thousands of hives. So while Nectar’s clients were just as busy as anyone else relying on software to run their business, there was one glaring difference: they weren’t sitting in front of computers all day.


“Our clients travel across North America with their bees,” says Max. “They're not always in the same place, and we needed solutions to reach them where they are.” For someone working out in the field or driving from place to place, training materials would ideally be accessible on a phone—and short enough to digest on a quick break. “We might have 30 seconds, or a minute at most, to grab their attention when they hop into their pickup to check messages,” says Max.

In addition to getting clients up to speed on new product features, Max was hoping to develop a “kinetic learning tool” that’d allow clients the chance to click around and interact with Nectar’s offerings. He teamed up with Hannah Thomas, Communications and Marketing Manager, to make a game plan. They’d built active WhatsApp groups for each of their clients, where beekeepers could communicate with Nectar customer service reps. 

With a distribution channel up and running, putting together tutorials to send out was next on the to-do list. Hannah experimented with a few different tactics. Sharing direct links to the app, where clients could dive in headfirst, was too unwieldy. They might make a mistake or enter some data incorrectly, get frustrated, and give up. Voice notes with audio-only how-tos were fairly easy to create, but weren’t grabbing attention like she’d hoped. Clients might click on them, but there was no guarantee that they’d actually listen. 

After Nectar overhauled its app, video walkthroughs felt like the way to go. But creating them was time-consuming and cumbersome. Then there was the matter of translating each video to accommodate Nectar’s French- and Spanish-speaking users, which only added more time to the process. 

When Hannah and Max discovered Arcade, they were instantly able to communicate much more effectively with customers. “It was much easier to use than I anticipated,” says Hannah. She suddenly had the ability to make interactive walkthroughs that showed Nectar’s users how to use a feature or tool, faster than she ever thought possible.

“Arcades are much more engaging than listening to a voice note or watching a video—two things I think are very easy to tune out,” Hannah says. 

Arcade also made translation a breeze. “Now I can just switch to the Spanish version of the app and go through the same steps to create a Spanish version of a walkthrough,” says Hannah. Max agrees that Arcade has really streamlined their workflow when it comes to sharing educational materials with clients via WhatsApp. “We can just send out a how-to with a note that’s language-specific that says, we released this new feature, and here’s a link to try it out for yourself,” he explains. Because it’s more low-stakes than sending out a link to the tool itself, clients are more likely to try it out. “They’re able to run through the screens and actually practice before doing it.” 

Final Thoughts

To wrap up, we asked Hannah what she’d tell other product and marketing leaders who are thinking about using Arcade: 

“Arcade lets you make your own clickable walkthroughs that show you how to use a certain interface—and they're really easy to put together.” — Hannah Thomas.

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