Case Study

Case Study
5 min to read

Behind the Arcade: How Skilljar Reimagined their Website Demo with Arcade

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Case Study
5 min to read

How Capchase tested new product concepts 4x faster with Arcade

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Case Study
5 min to read

How Arcade engagement increased activation likelihood by 30% for Chameleon

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Case Study
5 min to read

Innovative Teaching: How Arcade Transforms STEM Learning in Ridgefield Schools

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Case Study
5 min to read

How Arcade increased trial likelihood by 5x for Nudge Security

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Case Study
5 min to read

How Glide saved six months of content production time with Arcade

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Case Study
5 min to read

How Quantum Metric doubled their demo conversion with Arcade

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Case Study
5 min to read

How Nectar Ditched Videos for Easy-to-Make, Interactive Product Demos Using Arcade

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Case Study
7 min to read

How Sentry Streamlined Creative Processes and Reduced Page-Load Times With Arcade

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