Changelog: November 2023

Higher-quality exports, Arcade Adventure, folders, and more.

Higher-quality exports.

We rebuilt our export infrastructure to move from analog to frame-by-frame rendering. With this rewrite, you’ll notice a much higher-quality export that resembles the original Arcade. We’ve also been able to add the audio capabilities quite easily.

Check out the differences below ⬇️ .

Original Exporter: 
  • No sound (wasn't supported)
  • Choppy animations due to dropped frames and non-optimized CSS animations
  • 28s length / 16mb file size

New Exporter: 
  • Background music
  • Synthetic Voice audio
  • Higher quality and smoother animations
  • 28s length / 37mb file size

Introducing Arcade Adventure.

A new suite of tools designed for seamless, personalized, and beautiful storytelling at scale.

Want to see how teams are using these features? Check out this blog post.

Organization made easy.

Folders are here to streamline your teams’ workflows and easily manage your Arcades. *Note: This feature is only available on our Growth plan. You can try it out for free for 14 days.

Behind the build.

Learn what the Arcade team has been discussing and building over the past few weeks.

The Enchanting World of Choose Your Own Adventure

A look into "Choose Your Own Adventure" experiences and how they influenced Arcade's product development.

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Analog to Digital: Rethinking Arcade Video Exports

Learn about our engineering teams' journey to deliver higher-quality video exports.

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Delightful touches.

Beautiful design is at the core of every product decision — we want to put your best brand forward. Here are some additional things we’ve worked on in the last few weeks:

Oops, I did it again: Mistakes happen. Now, you can easily undo or redo actions using your computer systems’ keyboard shortcuts.

📹 Pixel perfect: Our export infrastructure was rebuilt to enable higher-quality video and GIF exports. Plus, exports now include background music, synthetic voiceovers, and captions.

🔎 Zoom, zoom: We made improvements to how text in Callouts and Hotspots scales when using Pan and Zoom.

View all of last month’s updates and fixes in our Changelog.

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