Changelog: May 2024

Camera recording, translations, branding per-Arcade, and more.

Mark your calendars....

Join us on Tuesday, May 14th, as we unveil our latest product updates designed to help teams better record, organize, and analyze their Arcades.

We're hosting a LinkedIn Live event to share more about the next phase in Arcade’s product journey, why teams that don’t ship fast won’t survive, and how to build like it’s 2024, not 1984 👀.

Save your spot

J'adore. Tu amas. We all love demos.

With translations, create an Arcade in one language and let viewers experience it in 10+ languages with just a few clicks. Translations enable you to scale demos globally without multiple versions or spelling errors. Plus, Arcade detects the browser language and switches your Arcade accordingly.

🕹 Pro tip: The auto-browser translation only adjusts if your Arcade has added the matched language. Think through where most of your viewers are and make a habit of adjusting to your top languages each time.

Recording in 3...2...1...

With camera recording, add your own video recording 📹 or voiceover 🎙 to any step in an Arcade (post-capture) and get auto-generated captions that keep pace with your voice's speed. Check out our announcement blog to see additional examples and use cases.

🕹 Pro tip: Record in a quiet space and opt for neutral backgrounds.

Custom branding for every Arcade.

With per-Arcade branding, customize the share button, watermark, and logo for any Arcade. Adding branding and unique call-to-actions drives targeted viewer behavior and gives you reliable conversion tracking.

🕹 Pro tip: Add UTMs to all updated URLs to better understand the conversion impact of your demos or to experiment with content.

More options for edits and tweaks.

In the Design tab, you can cover a portion of a step image by adding a rectangle or uploading an image to use as a sticker.

🕹 Pro tip: This feature is helpful in situations where you need to swap out logos on a step or hide some parts that you forgot do modify during recording.

How Capchase tested new concepts 4x faster with Arcade

Learn how Capchase used Arcade to iterate on new product concepts, get user feedback, and drive more signups.

Read Case Study

We've partnered with Product Hunt!

You can now include Arcades in Product Hunt launches to showcase what you've built and better tell the story of your product.

Learn more

Delightful touches.

Beautiful design is at the core of every product decision — we want to put your best brand forward. Here are some additional things we worked on in April:

📝 Table of (collections) contents: Enable viewers to more easily toggle through a collection.

🔍 Navigation bar settings: Choose whether to set the navigation bar to on or off by default.

⌨️ Keyboard shortcuts: Select multiple steps with {Shift + ⬇️ }.

🎙️ Synthetic voice preferences: Next time you use a synthetic voiceover, we will remember!

📹 Camera recording improvements: [Blank] and [Silence] captions are now filtered out in captions, and captions have been adjusted not to cover video bubbles.

📖 Add chapters from every step: In the right step tools bar, you can now click the 'Add Chapter' button when on a chapter step.

+ even more in our Changelog.

If you have any questions about how Arcade could work for your team, drop us a line at or book time a time with us here.

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