
The latest Arcade feature releases, improvements, design updates, and bug fixes.
January 19, 2024

What's New:

Last week we shipped forms (see below 👀 👇 ) and we were just getting started!

Now, you can add multiple-choice fields to any form and never miss a lead with the form submission email.

Product Improvements: 

  • Stay in the same tab: When adding a URL in a CTA, you can now choose whether it opens a new window or stays in the existing tab
  • Moving team Arcades after a trial: If you move from Growth to Pro or Free, we will move all of your "team" Arcades back to "My Arcades"
  • Leads emails: Creators will automatically be opted in to the "leads email" for each Arcade that they publish
  • Leads per day: Expanded the number of companies can see each day from 20 to 100.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where some customers were not able to export when they had Arcades with two videos in a row
  • Fixed an issue to ensure that Insights does not duplicate sessions for matched user_ids
January 16, 2024

Announcing Forms, Audience Reveal, and Hubspot integration: 

  • Forms allow teams to collect information and capture audience intent in the moment.
  • Audience Reveal enables teams to focus their efforts by identifying which companies are engaging with Arcades.
  • Hubspot integration seamlessly captures new and existing leads while tracking how prospects interact with your demos.

*These features are available on our Growth plan.

Learn more

January 12, 2024

What's New:

  • Copy steps as images: Easily convert steps to images (PNG) so that you can use in other formats or modify and paste back to Arcade.
  • Select all button: No more clicking on each demo, there's a button to capture it all! This is the fastest way to take action on multiple Arcades at once.
January 5, 2024
Updated extension to make sure you don't forget your shortcuts

Product improvements:

  • Included keyboard shortcuts on the first page of the Chrome Extension
  • Updated auto Pan and zoom to only be included when you have two or more steps captured from the same URL.
  • Fixed an issue where double clicking on the speed button was splitting the video
  • Fixed an issue where the voiceover play button wasn't easily accessible on some mobile devices
December 22, 2023

What's New:

🚢  Export Presets

Recommended options for GIF & video exports for popular channels.

🤝 New custom links panel

Improved navigation experience to create personalized Arcades at scale through unique URLs and custom variables.

🖼 Small embed image enhancements

Little Arcade frame? No problem. Images are now just as clear, no matter the size.

🔗 Callout URL formatting

No matter the length, URLs can be added to callouts and will wrap format correctly.

December 21, 2023

What's New:

Sound on viewer controls 🔍

Make sure your audience doesn't miss a beat. We've improved the audio controls to make it clearer and more seamless for your audience to know that your Arcade has audio and that they can choose their preferences.

Sound is ON by default; however, if you create an Arcade with autoplay you can force sound OFF.

Billing invoices in product 🧾

Easily access previous  invoices from within the billings tab in settings.  

December 18, 2023

What's New:

Auto Pan and Zoom 🔍

One of Arcade's most loved features, Pan and Zoom, just got even better! Now, for steps where the URL between clicks is the same and automatic Pan and Zoom frame is applied.
This features is designed to focus your audience and save you time on editing.

What makes this feature even more powerful is that it calibrates to where you clicked and the screen will smoothly move with the mouse.

Smoothing and fixing:

  • Added the ability to disable fullscreen buttons. This could be helpful if you're showing an area of your product that's in the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Added the option to remove Hotspot animation from center. This is can be helpful if a previous step was a video.
December 11, 2023

Your Year in Demos

We released our inaugural 'Your Year in Demo' campaign which gives creators a personalized recap into how they built, published, and grew with Arcade in 2023.

Check out a sample Arcade below 👇

December 8, 2023

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where collaborative links weren't rendering correctly for some customers
  • Fixed an issue where hotspot locations weren't calibrating exactly to the placed spot
  • Fixed an issue where large .JPG files weren't uploading when dragged into steps for some customres

December 1, 2023

What's New

Take custom branding to the next level with themes

Multiple teams or products? No problem. Define different visual design and branding preferences to easily apply across Arcades.

Plus, we published our monthly Changelog roundup. Check it out here.

November 24, 2023

What's New

  • 🗄 Export panel: We've revamped the export experience, giving you more control over the quality and size of your videos and GIFs. Create multiple exports for your channels' requirements in a few clicks and use version history to track changes.
  • ⌨️ More keyboard shortcuts: Restart, pause, cancel, and finish recordings quickly.

November 17, 2023

What's New

  • Rearrange buttons: Easily drag-and-drop buttons to change their order on chapters. This is especially helpful when building Arcades with branching. (*Available on Growth)
  • Closed captions: Choose whether to have closed captions ON or OFF when using synthetic voice in an Arcade.
  • Callout animations: Viewers can move callouts to anywhere in their screen. This is helpful if there's a lot of text on your step and things are hidden.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some Arcades were jumping steps if steps had been hidden from navigation.

November 10, 2023

What's New

  • Branching view: Easily see how viewers will move through different paths and make adjustments to routes.
  • More background colors: Background colors give Arcades an extra bit of polished. We'e added 8 more options to choose from.
  • Custom Thumbnails: Tailor how your Arcade link preview renders on social media
November 3, 2023
What's New
  • URLs can now be included in markdown text (*available for Growth customers)
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Synthetic Voice scripts were not rendering properly when the '&' symbol was used
  • Fixed an issue to ensure Callouts scale correctly with steps that have pan and zoom
October 27, 2023
What's New
  • Folders are now available! Organize your teams' Arcades for easier access and visibility.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Arcades were not exporting correctly if there was a video step that had a voiceover that was longer than the video
  • Fixed an issue where international fonts were not exporting correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the Insights email digests were not linking directly to selected Arcades
October 26, 2023
What's new: 

Arcade Adventure is here! 

Introducing a new suite of tools designed for seamless, personalized, and beautiful storytelling at scale.

Learn more

October 20, 2023

Higher-quality exports.

We rebuilt our export infrastructure to move from analog to frame-by-frame rendering. With this rewrite, you’ll notice a much higher-quality export that resembles the original Arcade. We’ve also been able to add the audio capabilities quite easily.

Check out the differences below ⬇️

Original Exporter: 
  • No sound (wasn't supported)
  • Choppy animations due to dropped frames and non-optimized CSS animations
  • 28s length / 16mb file size

New Exporter: 
  • Background music
  • Synthetic Voice audio
  • Higher quality and smoother animations
  • 28s length / 37mb file size

Want to learn more about this project? Check out this blog post.

October 13, 2023
What's new: 

The undo command ⎌ is here and ready to save the day from any 'oops' moments.

  • For Windows = control + z
  • For Mac = command + z
Bug Fixes: 

Fixed an issue where step progressions where inconsistent in some video exports.

October 6, 2023
What's New: 
  • Understand branching performance with an expanded view in Insights.
  • When a new Arcade is created, a chapter will be added by default.

Bug Fixes: 
  • Fixed an issue where Arcades with synthetic voice weren't rendering correctly on mobile.

September 29, 2023
What's new: 
  • Learn how your viewers are interacting with branching options in the updated Insights page.
Bug Fixes: 
  • Fixed an issue where callouts in the first step of an Arcade weren't showing up correctly.

September 22, 2023
What's new: 
  • Backgrounds are now available for your Arcade. Add a more refined look with one of our five options.

Bug Fixes: 
  • Fixed an issue where if you muted an Arcade before it started play, the mute was not respected.
  • Fixed an issue with Callout animations not rendering correctly.

September 15, 2023
What's new: 
  • Captions are now automatically created when using our Synthetic Voice feature, allowing for a more accessible viewer experience.

Bug Fixes: 
  • Fixed an issue where background music was ducking too much when Synthetic Voice was used in a step
  • Fixed an issue where new steps were not being auto-selected in the step selector.
  • Fixed an issue where the last step chapters were not including the previous step in the background display

September 8, 2023
New Features:
  • Make a statement with new formatting options. Add emphasis to your hotspots and callouts with our new syntax options. This is useful for highlighting key points and information that you want your audience to remember.
  • Gmail, meet Growth: Customers with Gmail accounts can now join our Growth plan - yes, you heard that right :)
Bug Fixes: 
  • Fixed an issue where hotspot popovers weren’t opening during autoplay when the step before had a callout.
  • Fixed an issue where Insights were temporarily paused for Gmail accounts that upgraded to the growth plan.
  • Fixed an issue where markdowns were not enabled on mobile captions.
  • Fixed an issue where the default cursor was randomly placed in steps that had multiple buttons.

September 1, 2023

Bug Fixes: 

  • Fixed an issue in the editor where some customers would be forced out of the editing text area when using the left/right arrow keys.
  • Fixed an issue where customers received duplicate emails after the first view of their Arcade.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate Arcades were showing in email embeds.
  • Fixed an issue in Insights where Arcades showed 0% completion rate if the last step went to a previous step.
  • Fixed an issue where some hotspots’ text flashed briefly before being hovered over.
  • Made an improvement to the Weekly Digest email by adding a direct link to the Arcade instead of navigating through the main Insights tab.
  • Resolved an issue where the pan and zoom effects were lost during copying.
  • We have made some enhancements to the mobile responsiveness of Arcades which have multiple buttons.
  • Made improvements to how background music renders on iOS devices.

August 29, 2023

What's new: 

Choose your own adventure

We are excited to announce that we have implemented support for multiple buttons on chapters, allowing for a more personalized and engaging experience for your audience.

Bug Fixes: 
  • An updated version of the Chrome Extension (v0.19.2) is now available. This version fixes an issue where certain sites were slowed down.
  • Fixed an issue where introduction chapters were being added as the second step, not the first.
  • Fixed an issue where files uploaded to the Media Library stuttered in preview mode.
  • Fixed an issue where Hotspot wouldn't automatically show if Arcade was set to autoplay or the previous step had a callout.
  • Fixed an issue where Arcades with music required a click to start the sound; however, there was no button. Now, there is a play button.
  • Fixed an issue where video & GIF exports had white rounded corners on the edges of the media.
  • Fixed an issue where the synthetic voice progress bar didn't reset when users navigated to another step with voiceover.

August 18, 2023
What's new: 
  • Synthetic Audio allows you to narrate your Arcade with professional and natural sounding voiceovers.
  • Updated questions in the new user onboarding flow, to better personalized their experience with Arcade.

Bug Fixes: 
  • Fixed an issue where exported videos/GIFs had white rounded edges on the corner
  • Fixed an issue where background music wasn't ducking enough when paired with other videos

August 11, 2023
What's new: 
  • Guiding your audience through a demo just got easier, with our new hotspot target feature. Choose different call-to-actions or take viewers on different paths using hotspots.

Bug Fixes: 
  • Fixed an issue where some users using promotional codes were not getting enabled on the correct plan
  • Fixed an issue where callouts weren’t resizing correctly when customers were using pan and zoom

August 4, 2023
What's launched: 
  • Add some ambiance to your Arcade with our new background music feature.
  • Our new Slack App helps teams stay on top of what's being published, and creates more visibility for other internal teams.
July 28, 2023
New Features: 
  • Weekly digest email for Creators to get a rolled-up view of view of their Arcade that week
Early features we're testing: 
  • An AI prompt generator for creating relevant content in Hotspots and Callouts (more details coming soon 👀!) 
Bug Fixes: 
  • Fixed an issue where the 'play' button sometimes appeared between two adjacent video steps
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on an Arcade product page would sometimes ask you to authenticate, and then take you to a different page. Now, after authenticaion, it takes you to the page you intended to go to.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hotspot sometimes stuttered when a user hovers over the corner of it.
July 21, 2023
Introducing Crop:

Our new 'Edit' option in the toolbar allows creators to easily edit images in a step.

Updated Website:

Our website got an upgrade! Check out our new homepage, product page, and Spotlight.

Feature Polish:

We made improvements to Callouts to improve how they render when the size of a screen changes.

Bug Fixes:
  • Removed ‘/view’ from publishedArcade URLs to prevent confusion about access permission.
  • Fixed a bug where a play button sometimes flashes when there are two video steps right after each other.

Infrastructure Improvements:
  • A new internal development environment to test features before launch.
  • More automated tests and  measurements of Callouts and our new video editing features.